Friday, April 30, 2010

The night before

Well, here I am, taking a short break before going back to handling the mess that is me trying to pack. I've currently three bags: one large military Alice pack, one small military ruck sack, and a small black backpack. The large Alice pack will go on the front (my side) of the passenger backrest while the other two will go on the back, stacked with the backpack on top and the ruck sack on bottom. At this point, the Alice pack is stuffed with clothes (nothing else really) while the ruck sack is stuffed with boots, a waterproof jacket, a sports coat, and some other odds and ends that needed to be taken with. The backpack has my personals in it, including my laptop.

Tomorrow morning...oops, better make that later this morning...I will head out to TRF for my audition, and with any hope, I'll get the spot and be back here in time to help "T" pack her truck. With two of us moving out on the same day, the place is a wreck.

I'm lucky that my Uncle heads to Houston frequently, so he has agreed to drop by the apartment here and pick up a few milk crates of stuff I've left behind.

I have to say, right now I'm rather exhausted, and it seems that there is still so much to do. Wish me luck on the audition...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Almost there

Well, it's almost time to hit the open road, at least the open road up to Ft. Worth. Saturday I have an audition at the Texas Renaissance Festival and from there, it's up north for the rest of the weekend and then hitting the open road to Los Angeles.

I've got everything in College Station worked out. It looks like the Order of Aggie Illusionists (OAI) will not only continue, but be led by someone with the drive, the determination, and the heart to make sure that everything goes smoothly, and it looks like he'll have some help from some great people in the area as well.

So it is with a heavy heart that tonight I head out to the Texas Hall of Fame for the last time for drinks, dancing, and most of all: friendship.

So this is where everyone can keep up-to-date on my adventure out in LA. I'll be trying to update this daily, so those of you who worry too much (and you know who you are) will be able to get a play-by-play of what's happening.

So here's to the start of a grand adventure!