Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Parkour in the Park

Yesterday was fun. I went to the grocery store (2 of them) with Stevie and she dropped me off at the coffee shop that I like to write in, Lulu's Beehive, where I spent several hours writing. The Robin Hood story is up to about 12,000 words and most of it isn't crap, so that's a plus.

Afterwards a group of us went to do parkour stuff in the park which was a lot of fun, but still more difficult than inside. As it turns out, trees and tables and the like aren't padded gymnastics foam.

Then dinner, which was fantastic. Curls and his friend (who both were at the park with us) stayed for dinner, and hilarity ensued.

So overall a good day.

Spending today trying to finish up what I can on my press packet stuff. Need to get that done ASAP so I can apply at all the places.

Other than that, an Orange County appellate court ruled that red light camera tickets were not legal because they were hearsay. The reason behind the ruling is that no one who actually has first hand experience with the way the system is run or maintained nor the person who processed the photo originally testified. So that's another step forward to get those damn red-light cameras gone. For once College Station is ahead of the times. (It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I for one am all misty eyed when I think about it. /sarcasm)

Congress, the press, and the bureaucracy too often focus on how much money or effort is spent, rather than whether the money or effort actually achieves the announced goal. Donald Rumsfeld 

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