Monday I forgot it was Memorial Day (a holiday and thus a good day for busking) and managed to be chided and talked down to by almost every person I spoke with. Since I forgot it was Memorial Day, I headed down to a coffee shop where I wrote something like thirty pages of absolute worthless crap. It's all getting deleted. So all in all, Monday sucked. Except for learning Majong,
Today I headed out to busk (Stevie drove me, sparing me the pains of the Metro) and managed to be number 7 on the list, guaranteeing me a good spot, and I got one and got signed up to finish out the 9-1 shift at a good spot. Set up and gathered a large crowd straight away. Did my show, and everyone seemed to enjoy it though they didn't display it in do you say...monetary fashion. Also I'm still nervous performing for people I know/give a damn about their opinion.
Then I moved on at 1 to my other spot down the pier directly across from Pacific Playground (thankfully zombie free) and proceeded to hang out for a bit before one of my rings broke it's weld. *great*. Shortly after, the wind caught the balls from my cups routine and decided that they were better off being donated to the ocean than being used for their intended purpose. I thought about jumping in after it but decided going to jail wasn't worth it, so with 2 of 3 routines shot, I thought about an airline ticket, decided it wasn't as bad as all that and headed home.
Only to get on the broken bus, the one where the little voice that says "You're coming up to this stop" is all fucked up. It told me I was at my stop 11 stops before I was and trusting it, myself and seven other people got off only to realize we were at the wrong place. So we got on the next bus which was also broken (didn't have a voice) and the driver decided people didn't need to know what stop was coming up. So I missed my stop and got off on one where I knew there was a metro station and took the Purple line to the Red line to the Orange line to Home.
Then I had a Cuba Libre. Now I am waiting to go to the UCLA production of Cabaret. Also I emailed Disney World and Universal CityWalk about busking requirements (Disney) and about getting back to me (Universal).
So tl;dr: two pretty sucky days, sucky metro, but there was Majong and Theater.
Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. ~Attributed to Howard Thurman
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