Saturday, May 29, 2010

Friday to Saturday

Well, yesterday I spent my day busking. Didn't do too badly either. I'm coming to the conclusion that the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica may not be the best spot for busking, at least for a magician. The hip-hop dance troupe who was to my left, and then my right, and then my left again were having no problems drawing people in, and they were quite good. It's just a little difficult to draw a crowd when one group is so noisy and bouncy and is holding two of the three spots on the street. Asshats.

Anyway, I did have some good come of yesterday: had a few people come up and ask me for a business card, and one man who was wearing an "FBI Special Agent" badge (can't say if he was or not, but I'm going for not...) asked me, out of the blue, "How has magic changed your life?" Not kidding. First words out of his mouth after introducing himself. I'll be posting a bit about that on my Magic Today blog in a bit.

Then there was the little kiwi kid (kiwi being slang for New Zealander) who thought I was amazing and his dad had him take a picture with me. Really kinda made my day.

Right now I'm sitting at the bakery, it being 8am, waiting until I can head into Santa Monica (legally can't start busking til 9 or 10) to get my pier registration (yup...they don't tell you about that extra little rule that you can be ticketed for when you get a permit) to perform on the Pier today.

I figure the pier might be a better place to perform seeing as no one on the pier is there to shop or anything other than just be entertained, so I'm not interrupting them. I'm pretty excited about the prospects; the pier is nice and cool and there will be a good number of people there, so wish me luck...

Other than that we have a dinner party tonight. Lots of Stevie's friends whom I've heard quite a bit about and now get to put faces to names. So that's what's going on with that...

Oh! Parkour was fantastic. We did precisions which involve jumping from balance beam to balance beam and doing tic-tacs (running and then jumping off a wall to scale an object.) Then Stevie and I stayed after and those of us left messed around with random insanity. We stacked a set of mats up to where there was two foot clearance from the top to the bar above it that we were using to swing through the gap. That was great! I'm loving it.

Well, I guess that's it. On disk 5 of season 3 of Galactica. Fantastic show. Everyone should watch. Just spilled coffee on my favorite shirt (which, in it's defense already has a tea spot and a blood spot...This is why I can't have nice things...) though the coffee is fantastic.

There are a slew of other things I'm sure, but I just can't remember them. This having no internet at the apartment thing is really hampering my spilling my brains into words...

Oh, and it turns out google spell-check things "internet" needs to be capitalized and that "asshat" isn't a word.

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