Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We're legal!

Just got back from my two and a half hour bus ride home. The Metro trip planner says it's only an hour and fifteen minutes...

Anyway, all that aside, I have my permit to busk anywhere in Santa Monica. Some of the rules are strange, like if a holiday falls on a Monday and there is not a holiday on Tuesday then Monday is actually a Sunday and Sunday a Saturday, but if the Holiday is on a Friday, then Friday is a Saturday and Thursday is a Friday. However if a Holiday falls in the middle of the week, then that day is a Sunday and the day before it a Friday.

It gets worse, but I won't subject you to it. Those of you who are magicians and actually want to know how these rules work, I'll be posting something on the Kings To You Blog.

After getting my permit, I finally made it to the fabled 3rd Promenade!!! I had lunch there and listened to a fantastic guitarist and wandered a bit. As I was leaving, I noticed a guy with a close up mat on top of a trey table and some cards. So after watching for a moment, I wandered over to give him some pointers. Turns out it was his first day out there and he didn't really know what was going on or how to build a crowd. In return, he insisted I take a trick he had. It looks promising, so once I get it going, I'll review it over on the other blog.

Then it was the two and a half hour ride home. Talk about boring, and I kept thinking I missed my stop. Luckily I looked at the schedule and it said that there was a connection to the Red Line Metro we met yesterday at one of the stops after mine. Thankfully, I didn't have to use it.

The bus dropped me off right up the street, so now it's time to go pick up my jacket, shower, shave, etc for the trip to the Castle. More on that later.

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