Saturday, May 8, 2010

A bit late...

I apologize for this posting being a day or two late, but things have been rather busy here.

So I made it to LA just fine. So far no mafia have threatened me and I haven't found the flourishing white female slave trade (FWFST for short). It seems no one here knows about the FWFST... it must be one of those "Best Kept Secrets" things.

I did make it to Venice Beach yesterday morning. I arrived at about 10am, which I found out is much to early for people to be there. Some shops were just setting up and even more weren't even open. I wandered down from the Venice pier to the Santa Monica Pier. It was a bit of a walk, but the Santa Monica Pier looks like a fantastic place to perform.

After that, I attempted to make my way to the Third Street Promenade, but the street sign pointed in the wrong direction, which in turn means that I walked to the end of 3rd street back into Venice. I made it a while, but my foot, not used to walking quite this much in one go and clothed only in flip-flops, decided to stage a coup, so I was forced into my first experience with the LA Public Transit System.

First, you should know that where I was, it was a dollar to get on the bus. Second, you should know I gave a dollar to a homeless guy who ranted about hanging a beer can from the giant hole in his ear. Third, and this isn't that important, after adding my dollar to their stash, they left to buy cocaine.

But the single most important part is that the bus driver doesn't care. Yeah. She doesn't care who you are or what you're doing; the road is her's and she is driving here! So yeah, after giving my dollar to hobos, All I had was a crummy old taped up dollar, which the machine wouldn't take. Luckily there were a few of us getting on the bus, so she just told me to sit down...moral: FREE BUS RIDES!!!

So I hung out at the Bakery for a bit and then headed home where we had some great food at some place I can't remember before heading out to an industrial goth club.


I wore a UtiliKilt (for those of us not versed in ren-faire talk, a UtiliKilt is a black kilt with cargo pockets. They're pretty awesome).

The club was pretty cool. From an academic standpoint, it's fascinating; from a how much whiskey is in a drink standpoint, way enough. From a Los Angeles standpoint, it was just another night.

I think that is what is going to shock me most is that everything strange or fascinating is just another day for most of these people.

Anyway, I'm staying home to rest my foot and to fix my leather servante so that when I get the permits to go busking, I can actually go.

Well that's it for me people! Until later.

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