Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rainy days are here again

So it's another rainy day here in the city of angels. Rainy might not be the best word...misty might be a better word. But despite the fact that there isn't actual rain (not car-flooding rain) there are people out with umbrellas and ponchos, afraid to get their precious hair wet. Think of the frizz (and not the teacher from Magic Schoolbus).

So plans...I haven't really got one, at least i didn't until today. I've been kind of lost the last bit, not really sure where to go or how to begin anything. Stevie gave me a pep-talk of sorts and made me realize that while being fiercely independent is fine and all, in this town you need to know people. You ask for help or you drown are the words I think she used. Apt advice. So I guess it's time to get over the 'I don't need help' shtick and start using the tools at my disposal which, it appears, are vast. Apparently I know people who know people. So that's going to help.

Still attemtping the busking, though it's seeming more and more like the magicians who have tried here before are right: it's hell. But I'm planning on hitting the pavement some more anyway. If nothing else, it's good experience and exposure.

I'm at the public library, North Hollywood branch, because the internet in the complex has been disrupted while some people move out and others move in, so if I don't post often or reply to emails, that's why.

Anyway, parkour again tonight. Stevie and I went out and did the warm-up bits at the park two days ago (Tuesday I guess) and let me tell you, it's harder to do those things in the park than in a gymnasium.

Well, if anyone pops up any good ideas for anything, let me know.

Most people are other people.  Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.  ~Oscar Wilde, De Profundis, 1905

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