Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Three in the afternoon

And I'm having a glass of grandmother would be proud.

It's been a long day of job hunting again. For those of you who missed it, we're looking for a part time job so that we can keep on this adventure. It seems that most places I've applied for I have insufficient work experience and am over-educated (apparently Fossil thinks you can't learn to sell a watch if you haven't done it before.)

I'm beginning to see the horrible problem that has been facing graduates: 2 years experience needed. Just because you're educated doesn't mean you can learn. Someone told me that the difference in Europe and the US is that in Europe they want employees to be educated and here we want them to be experienced. The real problem with this is where the hell do you get experience? I'm pretty sure that it's not that damn hard to sell a bloody watch. Here, let's try:

Customer: Um...I want this watch here.

Me: Ok.

Me: Have a good day.

Perhaps I'm wrong...perhaps they want a high-pressure, boiler-room style watch sale:

Me, dragging a customer in from the street: How are you today sir? Great! Now this here is our top of the line Aviatronix 275000. What's that? You betcha it's a genuine japanese time movement, made by hand in the finest watch shrines, carefully cultivated by the highest order of Quartz Monks. Look at the detail! How exquisite! And look at this genuine leather* band. Doesn't it look sooooooooo comfortable? Oh and look, it goes perfect with your eyes, i mean hair, i mean belt, i mean shoes, i mean girlfriend. Fantastic. Well, have a good day sir, and enjoy your new low-quality over charged watch!

See... perfect for the job.

It should be noted that I'm picking on Fossil, but this equally applies to every other place that thinks you need 5-7 years experience to sell their handbag/hamburger/insurance/pony ride.

Anyway, back to the grind.

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