Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Official Countdown: 5 days

I have to apologize for my spotty reporting as of late. There hasn't been anything too terribly amazing happening or there has been too much, I'm not sure which.

Just got back from our friend's place where Stevie and I are working on their soon-to-be amazing yard. We spent an hour there and made significant and visible progress. Headed back tomorrow for round two.

Tomorrow is my last Parkour class. Parkour has been amazing, and I encourage everyone who is interested to take it up. After the three week break though, last week was tough. I'm hoping to hook up with the PK Texas group that operates in the DFW area. Two hours of working out was never more fun!

But there will be a lot to keep me occupied. I'm taking on quite a few projects when I get back home: windmill design, solar panels, building a barn, networking, trying to run the equivalent of Dallas Metblog, working on magic, getting a job, writing up some lecture notes, and hopefully finishing up my novel soon.

Well, I look forward to seeing everyone again soon. 'Til then, take care.

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